UX Writing Case Study

A case study on a popular second-hand fashion app.

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In this visual case study, I examine how reevaluating Vinted’s brand archetype and personality can help enhance its brand voice across UX and CX touchpoints.

Why Vinted?

I kept seeing ads for Vinted’s app and was curious about the brand and wanted to apply a UX writer's lens to evaluate their mobile app.

While there are a number of things Vinted's copy does well, like straightforward no-fuss instructions, I found their brand voice inconsistent and not fully developed. Find highlights of my content audit in this Google Doc

After a thorough analysis of the brand, the app, and other research, it became clear Vinted’s voice is inconsistent because its brand personality isn't fully defined β€” it's hard to craft and apply a brand voice and tone consistently if the brand archetype or personality isn’t fully defined. 

Hopefully, this bit of context helps to better understand the case study presented below. 


UX writing + design case study pointers came from these awesome resources:

Freshalian Pasta: UX Writing Case Study

FreshList: Food Scanning App

Shaping Brand Personality Through UX Writing

UX Writing Case Study: Shopee Search Bar

How to Write a UX Writing Case Study

Disclaimer: This case study was created for the sole purpose of self-study and UX writing practice. It’s not intended to persuade the company to make changes. More data is needed to support the findings proposed here and draw better conclusions.

As this was my first UX writing case study, I tried my best but know things can always be improved. Any comments or feedback you might have would be golden and most appreciated 😊.

Thank you for reading! 🌈✨


UX Writing: User Journey Design, Mobile App